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CANCER CHRONICLES: Letrise Carter’s Breast Cancer story

At Ultimate Imaging, we find it important to share Breast Cancer stories with the hope that one’s story may help propel another towards self care. It is vital to have annual mammograms, and for many women, due to their breast density, subsequent screening with ABUS may be necessary.

This is Letrise Carter’s Breast Cancer story…

Letrise is a mother, published author, media influencer and podcast hostess of Sistah’s Conversations. Twice diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she uses her platform to focus on empowering, inspiring, encouraging, and motivating women to share their testimony and stories to help others.

Latrise had regular mammograms, did not have any symptoms, she did self breast exams but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

How did I find out about my cancer?

“Every year I always get my annual mammogram and it was a lump discovered on my visit in June 2019 that required further tests that resulted to a biopsy in July that confirmed I had stage 1 Invasive ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer. The lump was so small that the doctors informed me that I would have never discovered the lump until it was much bigger and different stage of cancer. I didn’t have any symptoms for Breast Cancer the first diagnosis. I always examined my breast in the shower so there was nothing out of the ordinary. I was diagnosed for the right breast on July 15, 2019.

For my first diagnosis, when the nurse and doctor said, you have Breast Cancer. I was completely numb… I looked across the table at my beautiful daughter sitting there in shock at the news. My mind went into protect mode immediately because now I have to be strong for my daughter and not cry. There was a sense of peace in the room as I heard this voice say, “you are going to be okay.” I will never leave your side; I am with you at all times. You Will get through this.” My faith is extremely strong so I knew in my heart the Holy Spirit was present with me. They handed me a book that was over 150 pages long that went into detail about Breast Cancer and the next steps to take. The nurse had already made my appointment with the Breast Surgeon to discuss my options as well as the Oncologist to discuss chemotherapy and Radiation treatments. It was a LOT to take in. I was in information overload at the same time as state of shock.

"The first diagnosis of Breast Cancer at the age 49, I did not handle this very well mentally, emotionally, or physically.”

It took me about two months to process that I had Breast Cancer. I did research online, asked questions, requested a second opinion, and then I just sat in disbelief. In my mind, they got my biopsy results mixed up with someone else. However, It was the first day of chemotherapy that I realized I have Breast Cancer. I still had not allowed my emotions to come out as I had not cried or screamed until two instances that would occur. The first being about 3 days after my first chemotherapy treatment my hair would literarily turn to wool and slide off my head in the shower causing me to scream and cry because the doctor said that my hair would not come out until after the second treatment. My hair was down my back and I had scheduled an appointment the following week to cut my hair down really low so that my experience would not be so traumatic. Instead, I was traumatised… Cancer had invaded my mind, body, and spirit which made me feel ugly, worthless, and lost. The second instance, was at a Breast Cancer event where I was one of the honorees and I cried while total strangers hugged me, prayed over me, said encouraging words, connected me with another Breast Cancer sisters, who we are friends to this day fighting together as survivors.

The first diagnosis of Breast Cancer at the age 49, I did not handle this very well mentally, emotionally, or physically. I did take steps with the doctor to discover how I could have been diagnosed given I don’t have a family history and did genetic testing. I didn’t have the gene so no doctor could tell me how I got breast cancer. I completed 8 rounds of chemotherapy (9/27/19-1/13/20) and went onto 20 sessions of radiation. I got through chemotherapy with the help of some amazing women in my support group that went to chemotherapy with me and my daughter. I call these women my tribe because they sat with me at each session, brought food, cooked for me and my daughter, went to grocery store for us, and went to doctor visits with me. Even when I walked into Chemotherapy on the 2nd treatment and told my doctor I quit. They stood by me, and my doctor allowed me to go get another opinion to give me peace that the treatment plan and diagnosis was correct. I didn’t understand why my treatment plan was so invasive for someone with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. It took the doctor to explain each variable so that I could understand the aggressive treatment plan was because my grade was type 3 which was an aggressive cancer that grows fast.

Chemotherapy was extremely hard for me. I caught the flu during my first round of chemo in 2019. I experienced depression and withdrawal from everything that I loved including writing and reading. I lost a relationship during chemotherapy as not everyone can deal with seeing someone they love go through such illness. I discovered who my real friends and family members were when it came to helping me and my daughter. I treasured the tribe of women who stood by my side (Dilshad, Diane, Gina, Stephanie, Alyssa, Debra, Renee, Pam, Marcie, Aretha, Barbara, Kaye, and my work family). I did attend support groups, but the groups did not have many women who looked like me (African American) so not all could understand how some of the side affects to chemotherapy was affecting me. I had to seek outside resources to connect to women who looked like me given the fact just about ever article that I was reading said, “Black and Brown women die at a higher rate of Breast cancer than their counter parts” or “Black women experience worser side affects from chemo drugs.” It was very discouraging and at times heartbreaking.

"It would be my 50th birthday month when I got my 2nd diagnosis, (Anniversary of 1st diagnosis – July 15, 2020 for the right Breast) that I would be get diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the left at stage 2.”

This was not how I wanted to celebrate my 50th birthday which was before the diagnosis. I know I should have been excited that the right breast was clear, but the left breast had a new cancer that was deeper and bigger. How the hell was this missed? I was extremely angry at my Oncologist that I left my local hospital at the advice of my brother to get second opinion with new tests done. This is when I would learn that I was vitamin D deficient to the point that my body could not fight off cancer… I made the decision the same day to transfer to CTCA for my new road to recovery. I only had to do 4 more chemotherapy treatments with assignment to a Naturopathy doctor, nutritionist, therapist, chiropractor, and a host of other doctors on the team that would go on this new journey with me so that I can become cancer free. First thing was a Vitamin D3 boost to get my levels from deficient 10 to normal. Normal range for Vitamin D is 30 that is recommended.

Because of my faith and the fact, I just completed chemotherapy less than a year from my first diagnosis I knew what to expect. But this time I was prepared and ready. I had taken on a warrior attitude and was prayed up and had my tribe with me on this second journey.

I was determined to beat Breast Cancer mentally, emotionally, and physically this second time around. I was going to get back to my happy and vibrant self through reading, writing, journaling, and taking some fun classes that ignited a fire in my creative mojo. This led me to writing a short story series for New Adult Fiction titled Lucy Mason with three parts- Lucy’s Worth, Lucy’s Faith, and Lucy’s Heart. Both Lucy’s Worth and Lucy’s Faith are available on Amazon and autographed copies on my website at

After my first diagnosis, I got on this weird self-health kick where I exercised five days a week by power walking then jogging that my end goal was to be running. I trained myself from power walking to jogging 5 days a week every morning at 7am-8am before work and sometimes I would workout twice with friends in evening 2-3 days a week on top of my morning routine. My body craved my morning jogs, it was invigorating to my body and spirit. But that second diagnosis would kick me in the head so hard that I could not get back to that routine when I got my GREAT news in May 2021.

On May 3, 2021, I was given the clean billed of health that not only was the right breast still cancer free but the left breast was not cancer free.

Now, one would think I would be jumping for joy and doing cartwheels. I was not and I knew that was not good. I knew my body had been through so much trauma that I realized so had my emotional and mental wellness. I told my friend who is a therapist that I think I need to talk to someone because I should be happy, instead a part of me was scared that this may still come back. I could not find happiness in the good news I just got. I made a phone call to speak to someone because I was not okay and I needed help to help me get on a true road to happiness regarding being cancer free. I declared 2021 my recovery year physically and mentally. I had to forgive myself for all the pain that I been through in the last two years.

I am finding my peace and finding my way back to a new woman. I am getting healthier by getting back to my healthy weight that I plan to reach in one year… I have accepted it’s not my fault when it comes to Cancer diagnosis that I am bigger than the cancer that attacked my body. I live more conscious now, live more healthier than before, getting back to a new routine that works for me.

Gaining a better understanding of what self-care is and incorporating that into my weekly schedule. For example, massage and facial once a month, I log out of social media from Saturday-Sunday every week for a mental break.

Let me say this about the affect of Breast Cancer, It's devastating to learn you have Breast Cancer. It impacts your relationship, your health, your mental psyche, your emotional wellbeing, and it affects you physically. Breast Cancer is not fair, and it does not discriminate. But how we are all treated should be equal. I plan to become a Breast Cancer Advocate to bring awareness to the resources and programs available to all women. I learned of so many resources the second time around that I have been sharing the information. I am pushing for Black Women Health Awareness because our fatality rate is extremely high and I know that is a result of educating women about chemotherapy, radiation, genetic testing, and most important vitamin D deficiency.

How do I feel now?

I am healing and on the road to recovery and being healthy… I am back to exercising and eating a diet high in protein, vegetables, and fruits.

“There were no symptoms that I had for Breast Cancer, my advice is get your mammograms every year.”

Talk to your doctor about any abnormalities, know your family history, get your genetic testing done so you know if you have the gene to better aid your doctor, don’t be afraid to get 2nd, 3rd, or 4th opinion… be your own advocate so that you make sure you are getting fair and equal treatment. Don’t be afraid to question your doctor’s treatment plan, research the drugs, know the side effects of the drugs. This is your life and you are responsible for fighting for your life. I am anchored in Hope now, so I am being a voice for those women to empower them to stand up to Breast Cancer and fight to survive. Surviving means not just knowing your numbers, but knowing your genetics, getting healthier, educating yourself about breast cancer, digging into your family history, and making lifestyle changes that will not just benefit you but that will affect your family as well.

I am the first in my family to be diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I am fighting to be the last. @letrisec

Read more about Letrise’s story:

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Blog articles –

Source: Lenco Diagnostic Laboratory

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